You Can Do The Hard Things You Think You Cannot Do


You can’t change the world, change your world, or give the best of you from what is left of you. 

There are circumstances in the outer world (the pandemic, the current political climate, and the choices we made yesterday) that we can’t change. We can seek solutions. We can change the internal factors and making a few small changes work better and faster than you may believe.

Anyone Feel a bit like Raggedy Ann?

Yea, that’s fizzled out - burnt out. 

Burnt out may look and feel something like:

  • Zero-interest in being productive

  • Feeling bloated and fluffy

  • Struggle to do your routine

  • Feeling overwhelmed

  • Feeling bloated and fluffy

  • Screaming (Yep - I have been practicing this one)

  • Carb cravings

  • Not wanting to get out of bed

  • Exhaustion

  • Wired yet Tired

There are a thousand reasons you may feel a tad bit overloaded. A couple of weeks ago, I finally crashed. I was not managing “all the things.”

I chose to get back to the process that works for me and get some mojo back. 😃

In the next 5 days - I am going to shake off what has disrupted my “routine” in 2020 and get back to those things that serve me best. 

I will be offering the same Back to Basics to Ease up on 2020 free to you soon.

In the meantime - pick one thing for the next three days that you may have put on the back burner the past few months and do that one thing consistently for three days. Maybe it is a walk, or making a Big Ass Salad, or skipping the wine, or skipping breakfast. Pick one thing you know will give you a bit more energy.

You Must Do The Thing You Think You Cannot Do. - Eleanor Roosevelt


Is Your Check Engine Light On?


The Daily Struggle to Find The Right Food and Amount For You.