The Daily Struggle to Find The Right Food and Amount For You.

Photo by twinsfisch on Unsplash

Photo by twinsfisch on Unsplash

The world of today is not set up for you to be successful in reaching your health or fat loss goals.

A century ago - there was only "real food," not boxes of processed food like; cereal laded with food colorings, dyes, sugars, hydrogenated inflammatory oils, and more, which our bodies are unable to process.

Today we are out of balance as far as energy (calories) coming in and going out. Also, our hormones are on a continuous roller coaster ride. 


What do a caloric and hormonal balance have to do with processed food?

Everything! Processed food triggers the brain, and a variety of hormones to crave more junk food, so we overeat, get fat, and overburden our cells that lead to all chronic diseases. 

Your body is not a math problem. The paradigm that you need to eat less and exercise more to lose weight is not 100% accurate. A better approach is to eat real foods that help the natural pathways and hormone systems that work to maintain a healthy weight and cells. 

How do you choose the foods that work best for your body?

Here are a few ways to get you started

  • Food is Information - Food will dictate how the body responds in our brains, our microbiome, in the production of liver fat, etc.. One food will increase cravings, and another will blunt them. The quality of food matters; what we eat directly affects our metabolism. 

  • Choose the Right Foods for your body. Diet "X" for one person is not necessarily right for you or sustainable. What are the right foods for you? Usually - Rich in Protein, water, fiber, and healthy fats (protein, vegetables, some seeds, and berries).

  • Sleep - The body and brain require between 7 and 9 hours of quality sleep a night. Inadequate sleep raises your cortisol, down regulates your hunger and satiety hormones, and leads to more cravings. Sleep is the most potent weapon you have to keep the immune system strong and to prepare the body for the daily stressors of life.

  • Meal Timing - What you eat or do not eat at one meal may impact what you crave and how much you eat at your next meal. Whether you establish an Intermittent Fasting protocol or not, I have found what works best for my clients is creating a meal schedule. I know it sounds regimented; however, when people eat as scheduled either 2 or 3 meals a day, they feel better, more energetic, and tend not to overeat. How often you eat, and the amount of food at each meal will make a difference.

  • Relax More Often - Decreasing our stress and having a regular practice of relaxing activities is key to optimal metabolism, as it lowers cortisol and increases our feel-good and happy hormones. Take more walks outside in nature, restorative yoga or stretching, hot baths with Epsom salts, massage, and time with loved ones.

More than anything, pay attention to how you feel. Keep a journal and note how much sleep you are getting, what and when you eat, what exercise you are getting, what is your stress level, and record your cravings, hunger, and energy levels. It may require a few days of being a self-investigator or detective. But, when you can connect the dots and learn how your diet, exercise, and other factors impact how you feel - you can adjust accordingly. 

Then you can put into practice what works for you, your body, and your life.

It is not about a diet; it is not about counting calories.

It is about living to experience all you want in life. 

Sending you kindness and blessings for a new week.



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