Why I am Gluten Free


Ten years before being diagnosed with Celiac, I suffered severe digestion issues and dermatitis (a skin condition). Whether one is Celiac or has a gluten sensitivity, I always recommend a gluten-free approach with my clients. I can, with almost 100% certainty, guarantee everyone’s health is optimized by being gluten-free.


  1. Gluten will trigger an inflammatory response leading to a variety of conditions and illnesses.

  2. Gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley, and rye. These crops are sprayed with a weed killer Glyphosate. You may know it as Round-Up - a known carcinogen. (A topic for another blog post)

Gluten may trigger an inflammatory response, which may show up as joint pain, bloating, skin rashes, diarrhea, constipation, anxiousness, indigestion, acid reflux, brain fog, depression, a little weight gain, exhaustion, and lack of energy.

Most are unaware they have an issue because they assume it is ‘normal’ to have constant digestion issues. Some people are unaware of the symptoms until they have a severe or chronic condition.

Are you Resistant to Weight Loss?

There is the possibility that the cells in your body are under dietary stress from certain foods. Grains and Gluten will create an internal fire, which, despite your best efforts, can be a cause of weight-loss resistance.

I have witnessed clients and friends who remove all grains, and Gluten for three days up to a week, they shed a few pounds, feel less bloated, sleep better, and have more mental clarity.

Want to Give It A Go


Do Not Eat The Following For Five Days:

  • Bread, Cereal, and other foods made with grains (including Gluten-Free)

  • Wheat, Barley, Rye, Oats, Corn Millet, Rice, Spelt, or any type of grain flours

  • Ingredients in Processed Foods: Modified Food Starch, triticale, malt, maltodextrin, hydrolyzed vegetable protein, and soy sauce.

  • Best to avoid processed foods, including salad dressings, sauces, chips, and crackers.

  • Artificial seasonings and Flavors, and even Natural seasonings and Flavors.


What to Eat:

  • Choose Protein at every meal: Fish, if possible grass-fed beef, poultry, and eggs.

  • Leafy green vegetables

  • Other Vegetables - Broccoli, Bok Choy, Cauliflower, Radishes, and Carrots.

  • Use Swiss Chard or Romaine lettuce for a wrap

  • Sweet Potatoes or Squash

  • Freshly ground flaxseeds and Hemp seeds.

  • If you insist on something crunchy checkout Mary’s Crackers or Siete Tortillas (only if you know you won’t binge)


Give it a try for five days and see if you notice a difference, it may precisely be what your body needs to Ease Up on 2020.


Let Me Know How You Feel


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