No More Diet Wars, or Calorie Counting - Happiness and Health First

Yes, we all know people who have reached their weight loss goals by Counting Dreaded Calories. But, are they happy, have they kept the weight off year after year? 

Quality, Quantity, and Hormones all play a role in Healthy Aging, Fat Loss, and Optimal Well-being. 

Calories (energy) Do Matter, BUT…

They are not the only thing that matters. 

My clients who come to me are smart, productive, successful women who know what to do to improve their health and lose weight yet can not seem to keep it off, or are resistant to fat loss. 

So why doesn’t a calorie deficit or the most excellent ‘diet’ work long term?

Your body is missing out on critical nutrients, such as those from Healthy Fats, specific vitamins, and minerals. Also, it is most likely your body is not getting enough Protein.  

The body does not work like a calculator, meaning you can’t Exercise More and Eat Less. If that worked, you would be SuperWoman by now, right?

The metabolism works more like a thermostat; it takes in the surroundings, adapts, reacts, and changes due to environmental factors, hormones, stress, and more.

When you continuously eat less and move more, your metabolism will adjust and respond to “keep you safe.” Your body senses danger and will increase your cravings since it is missing out on critical nutrients for survival. 

No matter how you track “Calories In vs Calories Out” it can create stress, negative feelings toward food, and feelings of deprivation.

What Can You Do?

Eat High-Quality Nutrient Dense Foods that are high in Protein, include plenty of fiber, water, and healthy fats. 

Change it up, keep the metabolism guessing so to speak. To keep the metabolism flexible, and to prevent stagnation.

Why Protein and Healthy Fats Matter?


It is the building block of muscle tissue. Without these building blocks (Essential Amino Acids), you will decrease lean muscle mass, increase fat mass, and negatively impact your healthspan.

Protein boosts metabolism - Digesting Protein will burn more calories than carbs or fats. 

Protein will help keep hunger hormones under control, so you aren’t always hungry. 

Protein will help to balance blood sugar, which can lead to better energy levels, less hunger, and fewer cravings. 

Our bones and brain require healthy fats. For calcium to be absorbed, we need fat, and the brain is 60% fat and is continuously regenerating cells.  

Willpower Is Not Required

I have found that many women are in a constant battle with their bodies, and feel shame if they ‘fail’ their diet, so they beat themselves with either an extra 2 hours on the treadmill or Pizza and Ice Cream. Hence, Willpower is not a thing. 

What if you could ditch the diet game?

What if you could stop the Calories In vs. Calories Out model? 

What if you feel nourished? 

What if you enjoyed real whole food? 

What if you felt satisfied and eliminated cravings?

The best way is to eat food that is satisfying and cuts the cravings before they rule your thoughts and metabolism. Eliminate the stress and the battle. 

Fuel your body with the nutrients it needs to prevent the hormones that dictate your metabolism from an endless rollercoaster ride. 

Your body wants and needs real food that is minimally processed and nutrient-dense.  Consider grass-fed steak, a variety of vegetables, eggs, and real grass-fed butter, ghee, nuts, olive oil, some fruit, and even dark chocolate. 

Your cravings will diminish, your energy levels will increase, you will feel more clear-minded, and more at ease. Guess what? The hormones that dictate your hunger, cravings, and satiety also change and allow you to successfully lose the fat you have struggled to lose for years.

The big question I get then is - “But will I lose weight?”

Yes, you will feel more at ease, satisfied, happier, and the fat you need to lose will begin to burn off. 

Yes, it is still work for you to create changes but it is so much easier, then grinding it out for yet another year, or decade.


I am here and ready. How about you?




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