Where Did Our Intentions Go For 2020?


I am happy to say I write this today from my new home, back in Boise. I did not expect to be back here. My guess is most of you did not picture or intend your life to be where you are today in October of 2020. Am I right? Although life may not be where your intentions were focused for 2020, are you able to look at what's in front of you as an opportunity for positive change? Is it possible to help others and do something you never had "time" to do before? Are you able to look at life through a different lens?


How did I get here, and where am I going?

Many of you know my love for strength training. Why? It provides a boost in self-confidence, a sense of empowerment, focus, and calm. As I began to work with more women and continued to see over and over the self-sabotage, the anxiety, and doubt (been there, and sometimes it rears its ugly head), I became determined to help more women experience a shift in their mindset.

The women I meet and work with want to make healthy food choices, exercise more, and always state they want to live healthier longer and avoid chronic disease. But few make the daily lifestyle choices that align with their desires. I had to dig deep to discover the things that I allowed to hold me back. I understood if I could illuminate that maybe my clients could move in the direction they seek. 

Lexi and Me in front of the new house

Lexi and Me in front of the new house


Why we lack the “stick-to-itiveness to stay the course.

After working with clients for 11 years, researching, reading books, looking at studies, attending workshops and conferences, and learning from various experts in their fields - The Answer is it depends on factors that influence our physiology and psychology. 

  • Friends and Family

  • Environment

  • Expectations from Society

  • Relationship with food and exercise

  • Self-Belief - relationship with self

  • Experiences of loss and trauma

  • Self values and priorities

  • Support and Accountability 

  • Body image & confidence

  • Limiting Beliefs


If you have in the past, lost your self-motivation guess what - You are not wrong, bad, or a failure. You have an opportunity to learn and look through a different lens - that is where shifts are possible. 

Who Knew

Who knew any of us would be where we are today at the beginning of 2020. If we can take two lessons with us so far this year, it is - pivot to seek better opportunities and get healthy NOW.

I choose to do both. I am currently in a 10-month Education Program in Nutritional Therapy and Functional Diagnostic Nutrition. Expanding my education is an opportunity to know more, do more, and be more, bringing more fulfillment and meaning to my role as a Health Practitioner. Yes, while I am healthy, there is always room to improve my health.

The best way to cultivate a healthy lifestyle does not come from self-motivation, another restrictive diet, or over-exercising, or what some influencer says is the best thing to do. 

Through my knowledge and continuing education, I help women break through the stuff that gets in their way, cut through the BS, and work through the mindset, habits, and motivation barriers. 

When I first began Personal Training, the focus was about “Eat this much, not that much and Workout this much”, no other factors were part of the plan. Stress, Sleep, Nutrient Status, Rest, Exercise, and Recovery are other factors to address.

Your life and Your family's life is MUCH more than a numbers game.

We can't change yesterday, but we can look ahead to being and doing better for ourselves, our families, and our communities.


Nutrient Dense Kitchen 101


Is the cure to what ails you a glass of water?