How To Stay Connected And Calm In A Time of Uncertainty.


Amid the uncertainty, there are blessings. While I will not downplay the severity of our current state, I have faith we will be stronger when it passes. I choose to dive into that faith because there are moments when I am not feeling ok. Now is the time to harness the power of gratitude and kindness. There are always things in life outside of our control. But that doesn't mean we can't find the good, and the confidence that everything will be ok.

“Take a little time today to remember that you're blessed with the capacity to use logic and reason to navigate situations and circumstances. This gives you unthinkable power to alter your circumstances and the circumstances of others. And remember that with power comes responsibility…” ~ Marcus Aurelius


Here are some ways to stay safe, connected, and calm while being socially isolated:

  1. Drink PLENTY of Water - You can also include herbal teas, my favorite is Tulsi Tea. Include Bone Broth, which is excellent for our immune system and gut health.

  2. Breathe - Breath-work used to decrease anxiousness and stress. Inhale for a count of 4, hold and exhale on a count of 7 and repeat three times; you will immediately feel better. This breathing pattern sends a signal to the brain to turn down the sympathetic (fight-or-flight) nervous system and turn up the parasympathetic (rest-and-digest) nervous system. Your body will be back in a state of calm and healing. YOU CAN DO THIS MULTIPLE TIMES OF DAY.

  3. Sleep - Quality and Quantity Sleep is the best thing we can do for our overall health and immune system. I usually recommend 7-8 hours, but at this time, aim for 8-9 hours. Stop use of all electronics if possible when it gets dark, if not use apps to block blue-light, meditate and journal before going to bed, and wear a sleep mask. In my opinion, the quality of sleep is probably the best immune-boosting tool we have.

  4. Stay Virtually Connected - Keep in contact with your friends and family. Visit via FaceTime, Skype, or Zoom. Schedule the time to meet virtually; the time spent will be a positive part of your day.

  5. Disconnect from the News barrage - Choose who you are getting your information from wisely. Set boundaries knowing how you react to an overabundance of negative opinions and views. I find it helpful to limit who I listen to and where I get information. I choose from a few medical experts and researchers. 

  6. Begin your day on the right foot - How you begin your day the moment you wake up sets the stage for the rest of the day. Start your Day before anything else (no screens, no news) step outside for two minutes, and acknowledge how blessed you are to touch your feet to the earth.

  7. Move, Walk, Stretch - Get outside - while we are sheltering in place, we can walk, run, ride, or move outside. Aim for an hour outside each day, take in the scenery, take off your shoes, and place your feet in the dirt (good for the microbiome). Order weights online, do home workouts, there are free yoga and workout videos available from 1000's online.


“If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”


In this moment of uncertain times, focus on the good, gratitude, kindness, and what you can control. We have a responsibility to be good humans - to be compassionate, kind, and loving. I am here to be supportive. Yes, I too have moments of feeling concerned, uneasy, and anxious. 

Let me know how you are feeling? I am happy to talk. I have a few weeks while I am “sheltering in place.”


Why Stress leads to Weight Gain and an Unhappy Gut


Here is to Living Stronger, Healthier, & Younger