How Do You Celebrate Change?
EXCITING CHANGES HERE + an event on the horizon
Life is nothing but change, and I tend to embrace change, albeit at times with a bit of trepidation and feelings of anxiety. My guess is when the hubs and I almost 27 years ago found out we were having identical twins; it set the stage to work with challenges daily.
Latest news - I completed and graduated from the Nutritional Therapy Associations - NTP program and am now officially a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner.
Along with that, I am making updates to the website, my services, and programs.
What is an NTP? I will save that for another post in the near future.
But 1st -
It is close to saying “Hello” to my 6th decade on the planet.
Yep, My 60th birthday is around the corner.
I am launching a fun challenge to celebrate 60 years. A challenge to embrace change, to do something consistently for 60 days, and of course, to have fun!
60 to 60!
Beginning August 13th for 60 days before my 60th birthday on October 12th. The challenge will be more fun than challenging.
It is not a “get super fit and healthy” in 60 days type of thing - because let’s be honest, that’s a bit extreme. It is a feel great and energetic at 60 kind of thing (or whatever your age).
It is a way to celebrate ourselves, our bodies, our minds, and our souls. It is a chance to do something with others, to cheer each other on, and to brighten our day.
There will be prizes for a few lucky ones who show up consistently and complete the challenge.
Are you ready to celebrate 60 with me?
Get all the details here. Together let’s embrace change and a little challenge.
“Your body has an innate intelligence to heal. It requires time, patience, and proper nutrients.’”